Angel Chatter Blog
This is a very out of the closet post for me. For those are not aware, I have a very close connection to Mary and Easa/Yeshua/Jesus. I shall leave it at that for now. I do apologize for the lateness...
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How many times have you driven by something, say a home and never noticed the nuances? These nuances are only noticed when you walk by and may even find yourself muttering 'When did they do that?' to find out months...
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So many are in a slight kerfuffle... you know that state where you seem to be put on hold, in a funk, nothing is going according to plan, and the Oh Woe Is Me Syndrome is knocking at your door. This is part of...
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This month's full moon on July 9th is also called the Thunder Moon within Native American Cultures. Why thunder? Logically, it is when in the northern hemisphere the chance of thunderstorms are the highest than any other time of the...
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HI! I'm back... been a bit AWOL as I've settled in true beach mode and honoring my rejuvenation time. Thank you ALL for wing slapping me and reminding me to tend to me as well. While still at Da Beach, I'm...
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