
So many are in a slight kerfuffle... you know that state where you seem to be put on hold, in a funk, nothing is going according to plan, and the Oh Woe Is Me Syndrome is knocking at your door.

This is part of the birthing process and you are most definitely experiencing labor pains. While not giving birth in the literal sense, you are very clearly undergoing a re-birth of you. You are coming back to your true essence; your divine BEing.

It's about balance you see. Nothing is ever all lollipops and unicorns. If it were, simply by being human you would cease to relish in all the unicorns surrounding you. It's the balance of the light and dark and acknowledging that both exist. All humans have gunk; it's called karma. The karma shows itself in a myriad of ways; relationships, repetitive patterns and the gunk in general that could stall you for days and if left unattended, months or years.

Don't go there please. Embrace the balance.

You ARE a BEing of Light otherwise you wouldn't be reading this and gathering a bit more understanding of self. It's through this understand and acknowledging and LOVING both ends of the spectrum that all can more easily fall into place for you. You know, those things you desire in the deepest core of your heart.

It's about balance. Even your daily universe has this; day and night. Something as simple as the 'sun going down or rising' is shown to you daily; the balance of life. You give no thought to this as it is natural, right? Your life is no different. In each life balance exists. It's all how you embrace both sides of the coin so to speak and allow one to go a bit deeper to unleash what has been hidden for so long.

It's in the dark of the night that more is revealed. It is in the depth of your soul that truth lives. Why? For it is YOU and only YOU. BE still within. The more energy you spend in attempting to squelch these energies, the more uncomfortable it gets. The lid that you have kept on you to 'fit in' has at the very least become uncorked. Stop trying to prevent this beautiful movement forward.

It's time the lid is thrown off allowing you to emerge in all your glory, including the gunk. Remember, nobody is perfect. Far from it. For in that beautiful imperfection lies the beauty. 

Embrace the balance.

Embrace the beauty.

Embrace the LOVE.

Below are photos taken on the same day on our little island. Nature shows us the truth. Light and Dark. It's not Light vs. Dark. Acknowledging that both exist will propel you quicker on your chosen path than you may realize or can imagine. 




To add a bit of fun... catch the gentleman upside down in the water... Embracing the light in the most joy-filled of ways! On the flip side, there is great beauty in the dark as well. 

It's all about balance.

Please leave your comments below and feel free to share and spread the Chatter! 




  • Peg Garner

    You spoke of birthing. We watched Heart and Soul yesterday afternoon with Robert Downing Jr. I don’t know if you have ever watxhed the movie or not. Where, when he was a little kid, and his angels had to say good by to him. No more talking
    Rhe angels that is. They never left him. That was a gut wrenching experience. It brought me back to being a little girl and being told to stop talking to my dolls. There is nobody there talking back to you. Tore my heart out. I could see my bedroom and the dolls on my bed, the way my room was set up and I could taste it, it was that palatable. Having to stop having these conversations really hurt. I said to Wes how I miss them all right now. I heard one of them say, we are here with you now and always have been. My dreams were very busy. Don’t remember them but I do remember dreaming.

  • Teresa cotrone

    That really resonates with me I also just chose balance in my angle reading thankyou for your beautiful message at the right time ?

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