Angel Chatter Blog

Read the title again. No One Can Take Away Your Destiny Period. The End. Take me for example. While in high school our guidance counselor said I would make a great court reporter. Really? Had never heard of that, but...
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Love is such a funny word.  It is a word that is tossed about freely with phrases such as: OMG, I LOVE this dip! I love that car. I love how that dress looks on you - MUST get and...
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What kind of life do you desire? One full of excitement, contentment, joy, prosperity and expansion? Let's not forget one filled with great health, love and why not add a lovely roof over our head? Me too. I've been watching,...
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Who hasn't done the proverbial 'squirrel moment' in their life? You know the moment when everything falls to the side and all you can see is the beacon, beckoning, calling, enticing.  I know I have and it bit me again...
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