The Full Moon = YOWSER!

The Full Moon = YOWSER!

The full moon that we are fast approaching on February 10, 2017 is also called a Snow Moon. It's not a hard leap of understanding to figure out why it's called a Snow Moon; we, in the Northern Hemisphere, get the most snow at this time. However, it is often called the Hunger Moon due to low or non-existent food supplies at this time of year, historically. 

While, luckily most don't go hungry especially at this time of year, there is a hunger energy amongst us now. We are hungry for peace, unity and of course love. 

It is NO coincidence that I've pushed, prodded and wing slapped you into doing Daily Acts of Self Love now. This helps to support the energy that is being ushered in with this full moon and the crap it is churning up for many. Why so much power now? This gorgeous moon also marks the first Lunar Eclipse of the year. It is indeed Power-Punched to the nth degree.

Just this week I've been reading and hearing from many Chatterers across the world and bottom line? They're wiped out, exhausted and being pushed beyond their limits. Remember what I mentioned a few times in previous posts; The Shadow Has Emerged and it ain't always pretty.

It's time for respect. Respect for all certainly, but respect for self first and foremost. Respect is a form of love. Think about it, when you respect yourself more and more, you may have clearer boundaries of what is acceptable and non-acceptable AND stick to it. You are no longer easily swayed by other's thoughts of worldly or not so worldly events and most important what they may think of you.

Remember, Pobody is Nerfect (taken from one of our daughter's favorite childhood books by the same title). Everybody has foibles. Everybody has greatness. Let's focus on the Beauty and Love for a change and start within ourselves. 

Take the energy of this gorgeous moon. Harness this energy. It's not too late to do your own candle ceremony and I HIGHLY recommend the Love Central Candle. Central the LOVE around you. Use that melted wax as a lotion; place over your feet especially the soles and the energy will enter from the ground floor and work its way up. Rub some over your heart chakra. Drink in its energy, its essence. Allow LOVE to permeate. Chat with Chamuel for addition ideas. 

It's through loving self first that darkness fails and fails big time. Remember, within the softness of love lies great power.



Not to be left out, Schroeder INSISTS on some lovin' while I write... xoxo


  • Artemis

    I am learning what I am missing during this major life transition,‘Self Love".
    To help me cope,stand strong and keep going.
    To feel peace,love and joy.
    And it’s so amazing because all my life I had been brought up to believe it was about giving love to others. Doing and giving. This was my happiness.
    Until finally I got my wake up call at 50 yo (today 55) that love starts with me.
    So thank you so much lovely lady for these posts where your guidance is teaching me what self love means. xo

  • Dee

    Tell me more about the ceremony!!!! Please!!

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