April's Full Pink Moon and How to Get Ready
How convenient that the first full moon in Spring is in April and known as a Pink Moon! Convenient? Yes indeedy, it's my birthday month and pink is my favorite color.
Enough about me though... how will this moon impact you?
The name “pink moon” is a native name, derived from the early pink blooms of phlox. Other names for the April full moon include egg moon and sprouting grass moon. Will the moon literally look pink? It might in your neck of the woods, but the name comes from the Native Americans and how they could reference the moon to others.
This specific full moon falls within the retrograding of Mercury (April 9 - May 3, 2017). As with most retrogrades, the opportunity to go within is magnified. This will become even more imperative with the full moon that is full of pink self love.
With all this pink and self love energy pouring in, is it any wonder romantic energies are also wrapped up in this moon? It is an ideal time to set up a love altar or if you already have one, clean it up (literally) and amp up its energy so your twin flame can find you more easily.
New to setting up an altar? Not a problem. As with all things, it is best to represent all elements; fire, water, air, earth and wood. Think about it, if you only put in the element of fire, your romance will be quite intense and could burn up quickly!
Your altar is a place of sacredness. It is a place that you place your objects that remind you of love. It can be an end table, top of bookshelf, mantle, dresser, etc. It does not become cluttered with unused notes, pens, etc. as you go about your day. It is a place you visit daily to reflect and feel the universe conspiring with you to manifest your truest loving desires.
Here's a trick question, how many people are involved as a couple?
Two, right? Therefore, you will have TWO of everything you place on your altar. One invites being solo and three... well let's just not go there; it will be inviting ultimately unwanted added folks to your romance.
Here are some ideas that connect to the various elements that you may place on your altar:
- Earth - Crystals! I LOVE (pun soooo intended) two rose quartz hearts for this exercise. No need to limit to just rose quartz. What other stones scream love to you? Remember two of each!
- Air - Feathers. Allowing your love to soar on angel wings!
- Fire - Candles. Since you will be burning these candles regularly, go with the colors you are drawn to. They will reflect your energy of the moment; be sure to look up the color's meaning after you have chosen.
- Water - Aquamarine crystals offer the energies of peace, hope and yes self love. Or perhaps a small fish bowl with two fish that is filled with beautiful stones
- Wood - I love flowers, that is not a secret. You can keep the energy flowing on your sacred altar by having fresh flowers adorning it. The philosophy would be the same for the color of the candles; get the flowers that speak to you now and then look up their meaning. I adore the book, The Victorian Flower Dictionary .
The key is for you to be creative in your altar making. After all, it is your altar and you are attracting your love; not mine. You may also write your love a letter dated five years into the future. Spend some time on this one. Describe your day spent together. How happy you are. How you love it when they look at you when they think you're not observing kind of thing. Expand on your perfect day together; what did you do? How did you act? Where did you go (if any where)? On the night of glorious pink moon, burn up the letter. This is releasing your desires to the angels and putting them to work on your mission.
Also use the Askfirmation:
Why is is so easy for me to live my life with my soulmate?
Chat with The Gang, all of them. There are so many nuances that tap into romantic love, it is difficult to pinpoint one specific one. Still grappling? It just may be time to have a full on session with me. To toot my horn a bit, a client has invited me to their wedding because they like me and I saw them together well over a year before they found each other. Pretty cool, eh?
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Thank you for this, I just found my full moon plans for April. ❤❤️
Love the blog! Read after my comment! Thank you
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